my Affirmation

"i patiently follow the guidance of my higher self on the path to enlightenment."

Friday, September 30, 2011

Journal - Friday

So, remember when i told you that Sir had to give me "the look"...kinda knew i was in for it but he waited until today...had to kneel in my corner naked for a set number of minutes then i had to remain naked until he came home from work.  After he had eaten i had to kneel in front of him and apology for my less than submissive behavior.  Then a little afternoon lovemaking and a nap... Not too bad considering...but honestly, except for when he has withheld time in the dungeon as punishment this is the first time i've earned it.

On to tonight....had so many things to choose from, there is a play party at our private club, dinner with some lifestyle friends, a bar night out with the lesbians, or bar night with #2, his wife, and #4.  As always, the children get top billing so that is where we are going.  Best part....#2 doesn't drink, automatic designated driver!

Ok, sorry this was early but it's time to get ready.  Have a great night!

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