my Affirmation

"i patiently follow the guidance of my higher self on the path to enlightenment."

Monday, October 3, 2011

Journal - Monday

i love Mondays....i know that almost everyone else hates them but after a couple days with Sir and #4 home on Mondays i get to put my house back to rights.  Of course lately #2.5 (#2's wife) comes over to do their laundry on either Monday or Tuesday, their apartment doesn't have a washer and dryer but even with her in the house it's just us girls.

i received an e-mail from #1.5 (#1's wife) asking if i would go with her tomorrow to get a new tattoo that she had seen at Archon, the concept is awesome!  It says "Keep Moving Forward" in cursive on the inside arch of her foot.  Because of her profession she has to have it in a place where it will be covered with normal business attire   She said the same concept (Keep Moving Forward) kept coming up all weekend, a friend who had just gone through a very difficult divorce had said it and another who had just lost a friend.  She figures it was meant to be!  She's having it done tomorrow night at the same place where i had mine done, so we're meeting there at 5:00 and then going for dinner afterwards.  I totally love that my two daughters-in-law feel so comfortable with me, it's what i've always wanted.

Her's will be a bit lower i think!

Spent some time this afternoon with "new girl" things are moving along well in that relationship, unfortunately she isn't able to have much written about her here, see the note to the left as to why.  Just know that i'm happy with the way things are going :)

Totally fell in love with these...Sir has given me a challenge to earn them :)

i'll update more later should anything newsworthy happen!  If not, have a great night!

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