my Affirmation

"i patiently follow the guidance of my higher self on the path to enlightenment."

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Rather Boring Hump Day :(

Another day of house arrest, i'm so ready to break out but i'm following all the rules, i want to be able to attend Sir Michael's party on Saturday.  So, i cleaned the basement, cooked an awesome shrimp scampi over pasta for dinner and watched a little bit of Weeds, i really wanted to start the Dexter series but Netflix doesn't stream it, boo!

Tonight Sir will be working on his car, he took my car to work today and will again at least for tomorrow.  #1.5 offered to loan me her car, they are at a con in Indiana and her car is in their garage.  Problem here....she is a total type A, precise in everything she does, and she drives a yummy Mazda Miata hardtop convertible, i'm scared shitless to drive it!  i may go over tonight and move it to my garage as a "just in case" measure.  If it's here i'm mostly guaranteed i won't need it, right?

Tomorrow ss is moving into her apartment, yay, i really wanted to be more involved than i'm afraid i'll get to be, this afternoon my breathing is a bit worse, it's still much better than it was but tomorrow is "check in" with the doctor day because it is the day that she determined would be worse if the pneumonia was back...hmmmm.

So, between my health and car issues Sir asked me how i was feeling about playing on Saturday...honestly i'm not sure and probably won't be able to make a determination until Saturday.  i may just do fire and fire cupping instead of impact, maybe a little violet wand?  But honestly i will be disappointed if i don't get impact play...but even though he is asking for my input (medical issues are my department in our relationship)  the final determination lies with him.

Got a message from #2.5 today that #2 is signing a new contract with the Army.  He's on a type of reserve where he doesn't do reserve work but is still available for recall and deployment..  A recruiter has been calling and he's going onto a different type of reserve, he gets a monthly check, and promotion and a guarantee that he will not be deployed for the balance of his contract.  In return he must commit one weekend a month.  Apparently there are only 7 people in the state with his MOS 35M (Military Intelligence) and they needed to fill a quota...guess if it keeps him from being deployed again i'm all for it.  Sounds like he will be able to finish his schooling i guess it is a win.

1 comment:

  1. Fortunately for them with the GI bill (he's a full time student) and his housing allowance that pays their rent and the fact that he works part time and she works full time they are pretty set as far as finances go....but i'm sure an extra $350 or so a month will always go to use! :)
