my Affirmation

"i patiently follow the guidance of my higher self on the path to enlightenment."

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Finally, i Saw Breaking Dawn 2!

Last night Sir went to Redbox and rented me Breaking Dawn 2, i was anxious to see it.  i don't go to the theatre very often any more  usually too crowded and my claustrophobia gets the better of me.  i also don't buy movies any more  we have a couple hundred DVDs in the basement, we never rewatch them and since we have Netflix and all the movie channels it seems kinda pointless.  So, back to the movie, definitely the best of all the Twilight Series, honestly i thought the first 3 stunk, low budget and horrible sets so i was pleasantly surprised with this one.

This is so true!  If the vanillas only knew!
Tonight will be a quiet night, Sir is working late.  Tomorrow is a late start day for #4 so i'll take him out to breakfast and then drop him off at school.  He also has a doctor's appointment after school so i'll be picking him up, love my "mom" days!


  1. As I know you, your Sir and all of your children, I can wholeheartedly agree! I have been a part of your lives and have seen and experienced the results of your parenting skills.
    Though all but one of your children has left the nest, your continued support, teaching and love of your children is a constant with each of them.
    Your time and your door is always open to them (and to those of us lucky enough to be in your circle)
    The connection the two of you have with them all is remarkable and very unique.
    The two of you have standing invitations to all of your children’s private parties and social gatherings… even college parties LOL.

  2. Thanks! i'm actually pretty proud of my boys and the women they have chosen to share their life with. But as it takes a village to raise a child i know that there are a lot of amazing people in our lives that have helped form them and who have supported them and us in so many ways!
