my Affirmation

"i patiently follow the guidance of my higher self on the path to enlightenment."

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Words Escape Me...

My sis and Wendy

My sister called about an hour ago, i'm her go to person when she has medical questions.  We've talked about her best friend (and room mate) on a couple different occasions as she hasn't really felt well for a while. A couple weeks ago her leg and hip started hurting, she went to the doctor and he prescribed physical therapy assuming the problem was a strain or the like.  She went in and had an xray done and there was definitely a problem, they did a biopsy but the sample was poor so they did another she got the's cancer and from the looks of it a very aggressive cancer.  She's my age (let's just call it "under 50, lol).  My sister is a caregiver my nature, she'll get her through this the best way she can...CAT scan tomorrow and visit with the oncologist on Friday.  i'm not sure how involved her family will be, i know her my mom is always warning her hetero sister to be careful not to catch the "gay germ" when visiting her house so i'm not sure how helpful they'll be.

This is really throwing me for a loop, yes, i'm making this writing about me, my mother died young of cancer and i was her caregiver (while raising 4 young children).  i've always thought that my time would come early, as all the women on my mother's side of the family have died young (all of lung cancer and all smokers, which i am NOT) Sir even jokes about how i only have a few good years left in me.  

So, tonight i had something very important planned and i bailed on it (thank you to the people i was supposed to be talking with tonight for letting me reschedule, my head is all over the place).  Sir and i cuddled in my bed, watched a recorded episode of Grimm and then just talked, strange, not only did he know that i needed to talk but HE needed to talk too, i forget, he's known Wendy just as long as i have.  So, the tears are flowing and i'm sending all the healing and positive vibes i have to her, she really is a wonderful person and i'm praying with  all my heart that the news she gets tomorrow and Friday is better than things sound right now.

1 comment:

  1. Though I do not know Wendy or your sister... yet I will send all of what I can by way of good vibes and wishes to them and you.
    I know you are suffering along with them and old painful feelings are being pulled back up from years past.
    I will be home soon and will be available for whatever will be needed for you or your sister and Wendy.

    Hugs to all
