my Affirmation

"i patiently follow the guidance of my higher self on the path to enlightenment."

Friday, June 6, 2014

My Son is 31!

Where has the time gone?  Tonight we are having sushi with our oldest son and his wife, we're celebrating his 31st can he be that old?  Does that mean i'm old?  He and his wife are very financially secure, they buy what they want, when they want.  The one thing i know he hates spending money on is clothes so that is what i bought him.

i met ss for lunch today, it was delicious and so nice to sit at a real table to eat, the house is such a mess that we eat at the coffee table or we take a bar stool and pull it up to a regular chair and use it as a table.  i am so sick of the remodel and it really has just started.

Tomorrow we have a wedding for one of our "foster" sons, Jake is a wonderful young man, a true success story, he's deployed 3 times and is now marrying a wonderful young woman.

Sunday is Pagan Picnic, hopefully i'll be able to make it, Sir normally takes me but i think that ss wants to go and Sir will probably be too busy with the kitchen anyway.

Ok, i'm going to just say it....i need a scene something fierce, since #3 has been home we haven't played.  Normally we would hit up the Dom that has scened with me in the past but that is no longer an option after the scene in December when he disregarded my limits....maybe #3 will go out tonight, lol, at this point i'm about to pay him to!

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